An interview is a conversation that takes place between the interviewer and the interviewee. It is a way for the interviewer to find out information about the person who is being interviewed.
In a job interview, you’re going to be asked questions. And the answers you give will play a big part in whether or not you get hired, so it’s important that you know what to expect and how to answer.
But what if you’re not sure what kinds of questions are coming? How can you prepare for an interview when you have no idea what questions will be asked?
The good news is that there are certain types of questions that employers ask all the time. And by knowing about these common questions, you’ll be able to prepare yourself for any interview situation.
Job Interview questions and answers are the most important part of your job interview preparation. You may have gone through all the steps in the hiring process, but if you fail to answer these questions properly then it’s going to be a big blow for you. These questions are asked for different reasons and it is important for each interviewer to understand their purpose.
The following are some of the common Job Interview questions that are asked by employers:
You can use the answers to prepare for your own job interview by learning how to respond to these questions in an effective way.
- 1. Tell us about yourself
- 2. Why do you want to leave your current job?
- 3. What do you like/dislike about working here?
- 4. What is your management style?
- 5. How would you describe your work style?
- 6. What relevant experience do you have?
- 7. What are some examples of projects you’ve worked on?
- 8. Have you ever been in a leadership role?
- 9. Have you ever managed a team of people?
- 10. How do you feel about leading others?
- 11. What can you contribute to this company?
- 12. Why should we hire you instead of someone else? Why do you want this job?
- 13. How can you help this company?
- 14. Where do you see yourself in five years?
- 15. How has your past experience prepared you for this position?
- 16. What is your greatest achievement?
- 17. What motivates you? What demotivates you at work?
- 18. Do you have any questions for me?
- 19. What are your strengths?
- 20. What are your weaknesses?
- 21. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
- 22. How do you feel about working overtime?
- 23. What are the most important attributes of a successful candidate?
- 24. How would you describe a good boss/employee relationship?
- 25. How long have you been in this line of work?
- 26. How would your former boss/coworkers describe you?
- 27. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your life?
- 28. What are your salary requirements?
- 29. What’s your dream job? What are the top five things that would make it so great?
- 30. What did you like least about your last job?
- 31. Why did you leave your last job?
- 32. What do you expect from this job?
- 33. What do you think is the most important quality in a supervisor or manager?
- 34. What makes you a good fit for this position?
- 35. Can you give me an example of a time when you had to work with someone who had a very different personality than yours? How did you handle it?
- 36. How do you deal with stress and pressure?
- 37. What can you tell us about our company and industry?
1. Tell us about yourself
This is a classic question that is used to determine if you have a good grasp on your career history, as well as if you can effectively communicate and sell yourself to an employer. Try not to focus on the negative aspects of your work history, such as layoffs or firings, but instead emphasize all of your accomplishments and transferable skills that would be applicable in this position.
It’s also a great opportunity for them to learn more about your personality and work style.
The interviewer wants to know who you are and how you see yourself. They want to know what motivates you and what drives your decisions. You should briefly mention your academic and professional accomplishments, but also keep in mind that most companies are looking for people who will be team players. Talk about your interests outside of work and any volunteer experience you have had. This is also a good time to mention any languages or computer skills that might be relevant to the job description.
Possible Answers:
a) Hi, I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor. I’ve been in the industry for over a decade and have worked with several clients around the world.
My background is in English Literature, which means I’m used to analyzing texts and writing essays. I’ve also been involved in the marketing side of things, so I know how to come up with catchy headlines and taglines.
I’ve got experience working on all kinds of writing projects, from blog posts to fiction novels. If you need someone who can turn your ideas into words then I’m your guy!
b) Well, I am a fourth-year student at the University of Nairobi and I am pursuing a degree in Computer Science with a minor in Computer Engineering. I have always been interested in computers and technology, but after taking a computer science class in high school, I decided that this is what I wanted to pursue as a career.
I am originally from Eldoret, but moved to Nairobi when I was 8 years old. Growing up here has been great because it has allowed me to have many different experiences and meet new people. In high school, I took part in several extracurricular activities such as being on the volleyball team and working with the theater department. Currently, I am president of the Computer Science Club at UoN which helps students learn more about programming languages like C++ and Python.
My favorite thing about UoN so far has been getting involved on campus through different organizations like the Student Organizations (SO). Through SO, I have learned how to be an effective leader by doing things such as setting up meetings with other organizations and making sure that everyone is on track with their projects. In addition to this experience, being involved with student organizations has allowed me to meet more people who share similar interests as me;
c) Hi! I’m John Mwangi, and I’m the founder of AtomCareer
I started coding when I was in University. It was my way of escaping the stress of schoolwork and finding a creative outlet. As time went by, I fell in love with the idea of making things on the internet — especially if it meant that other people would use them.
After getting my bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Moi University, I started working at Google on the YouTube Creator Platform team. My job was to help YouTubers grow their communities and make money from the content they create through ads and sponsorships.
Now, as an independent developer, I’m still working on helping YouTubers make great videos so that they can keep doing what they love — but now it’s my own passion project!
d) I have been a software developer for the last 12 years. I have been a full stack developer for the last 7 years, having worked on all layers of the stack from database servers, to web frameworks and front-end applications.
I’ve worked with a wide range of languages and technologies including Java, C++, Scala, JavaScript (both client side and server side), NodeJS, Redis, PostgresSQL and MongoDB.
I’m passionate about technology, learning new things and solving harder problems.
2. Why do you want to leave your current job?
It’s important to be honest here because most employers will check out the reasons behind any gaps in employment, so don’t claim you’re leaving just because “the grass is greener.” Instead, explain that there are certain learning experiences or skills that you’d like to gain in order to better prepare yourself for a new position within the company or industry at large. If possible, try to align these reasons with the job description and requirements for this position so it sounds like an organic extension of who you are as an employee rather than just random words thrown together for effect.
Possible Answers:
a) I want to leave my current job because I feel that the company has lost its original vision and is no longer a place where I can grow as an individual.
The company started with a vision: to provide a platform for people to connect with each other and share their experiences. This was the company’s main goal when it was founded, but over time it has become less important. Now, this vision is secondary to the bottom line, which is generating revenue.
I am not happy with this change in direction and would like to find another company where I can contribute to its success while still maintaining my own identity as an individual.
b) I have been with my current employer for about two years, and have only been working in the field for about six months. I enjoy my job and am grateful for the opportunity to be where I am today, but I feel like I have learned all that there is to learn in this position and would like to move on to something else.
I feel like my skills are not being used to their fullest potential and that there is no room for growth within this company. My boss has told me that she will help me find another job, but she has not yet made any effort toward that goal. I feel like I need to take matters into my own hands and start looking at other companies by myself.
3. What do you like/dislike about working here?
If you don’t know much about the company, start by asking some questions about its history and mission statement. Then make sure that your answer relates specifically to one of their core values before going into any detail about why it’s important for you personally. Do not criticize anything directly or make negative comments about certain aspects of the company itself — no matter how much time passes between now and when this question comes up again during the interview process!
4. What is your management style?
Management style is a term that is used to describe the approach and strategy in which a manager manages their employees, projects, and tasks. It is a term that is often used in management courses and books to help individuals understand the different types of management styles that are available.
There are many different types of management styles, but they all fall into one of four categories: directive, participative, laissez-faire or democratic. These four categories can also be broken down into two subcategories: autocratic or democratic.
Autocratic managers give orders and expect them to be followed without question while democratic managers will ask for input from their employees before making decisions.
The type of management style that an individual prefers will depend on the individual’s personality as well as what type of task they are handling.
Possible Answers:
a) The best part of my job is that I get to interact with people from all walks of life. It’s a great privilege to be in the position where I get to lead teams and make decisions that affect people’s lives.
I am a very hands-on leader. I like to roll up my sleeves and help out whenever needed. I believe that everyone wants to do a good job but sometimes we need help getting there.
My management style can be described as “participatory leadership”, where I encourage my employees to share their ideas and opinions openly with me so that we can come up with solutions together.
As a manager, my primary responsibility is to make sure that my team members are happy and engaged in their work so that they can perform at their best level.
b) My management style is to treat my employees with respect, and allow them to work at their own pace. I want them to be able to do their best work, and I don’t care how long it takes. I also try to be a good listener, and make sure that my employees feel comfortable speaking up about things that bother them.
I believe in taking time for personal time as well as family time, so when my employees are not working, I try to give them plenty of space and freedom.
I am very open about what is going on within the company, because I believe that it is better for everyone if we are on the same page about what is happening.
c) My management style is to be very flexible, but also very strict when necessary. I do my best to take into account the specific needs of each individual employee and try to make sure that they are being taken care of. At the same time, I will not tolerate any laziness or lack of effort on their part. If someone shows that they are not willing to work hard, then I will let them go (and there have been times when I have had to do this).
My management style is not about making people feel good about themselves all the time; it’s about making sure that they are productive and doing a good job for the company. If someone is not willing to listen to constructive criticism or change their ways, then there is no point in having them around at all!
d) I am a very friendly and open-minded person, who always try to help people in their needs. I like to work with people and I like to work alone too. I have a lot of patience and I can listen to people for hours without getting bored or tired.
In my previous jobs I was always the one who helped others with their problems, so if someone had a problem, I would try to solve it, even if it wasn’t my job or responsibility. This is why I think that my management style is being a good listener and trying to help people with their problems.
e) I am a strong believer in the “servant leader” concept, which is based on the idea that leaders should be focused on serving their followers’ needs. I think this is best illustrated by an anecdote about the CEO of JamboJet.
Once, during an employee meeting, one of the flight attendants asked him how he would handle an employee who was not pulling his weight and was causing problems for the rest of the crew.
He replied that he would not fire that person unless it was absolutely necessary, because he would not want to make another person go through what he had gone through as a kid: being fired from one job after another.
That’s how I try to run my teams – by being aware of what each individual’s needs and helping them get it. When someone is struggling with something, I meet with them privately and try to help them find solutions or at least figure out what they need in order to move forward successfully.
f) I prefer to be hands-on with my employees, and I want to know what they are doing. I am a very hands-on manager who is not afraid of getting dirty.
h) I like to delegate tasks and responsibilities out to my team members, so that they can learn from the experience. I am a hands-off manager who believes in delegating tasks out to my team members, so that they can learn from the experience.
5. How would you describe your work style?
Your work style is a general category that you can describe your work and working habits.
Some people may not have a specific work style, but the majority of people will have one. It is important to know what your work style is so you can find the best job for you and for the company hiring you.
Possible Answers:
a) My work style is very flexible. I can adjust to any situation and work in a team or alone, depending on what is required. I like to be busy and have lots of things to do.
I am very good at multitasking, so I can easily manage several projects at the same time. I manage my time well and always meet deadlines.
My coworkers say that I am easy to work with because I am open-minded and always ready to help them out when they need it.
I’m also very flexible when it comes to working hours – sometimes I prefer coming in early or staying late if needed, but other times I prefer working from home or taking a day off when needed.
b) I’m a very creative person, I love to think outside of the box and come up with new ideas. I can be very impulsive and spontaneous, but at the same time, I’m a very detailed oriented person who loves to get things done.
My work style is very interesting. I’m an artist at heart so I like to paint and draw. But I also love math and working with numbers because it’s so precise and exact. So, in a way, my work style is a mix of both artsy and science-y.
I think that’s why I enjoy working at my job so much. It allows me to express my creativity while still getting stuff done in an organized manner.
c) I am a work-life balance person. I like to work hard, but also make time for my family and friends.
I believe in working harder to earn more money. It’s important to get a good start in life, so that you can be financially secure for the rest of your life. But once you have enough money to live on comfortably, it’s important to realize that money is not everything.
My work style is very friendly and outgoing. I enjoy meeting new people and making friends with them. It makes me feel good when other people are happy because of something I did for them or said to them.
d) I’m a hard worker and I like to be busy. I also like to take on projects that are outside my job description, but that are in line with my interests and skills.
I’m not a fan of sitting still. If there isn’t something for me to do, I get anxious and find something productive to do.
I’m a big believer in using technology to automate processes and free up time for the things that require human attention and creativity.
6. What relevant experience do you have?
Possible Answers:
a) I have a lot of relevant experience in this field. I have been writing content for over 3 years and I am currently working at a digital agency as a content writer.
I have written copy for websites, eBooks, blogs and social media posts. My work has been published on various platforms like Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine or Women’s Health Magazine.
I also have experience with video scripts and scripts for other multimedia projects.
b) The job I am applying for is an entry-level position. My previous experiences are working as a receptionist, cashier, and administrative assistant. I believe my skills, knowledge, and abilities will be an asset to your company.
My previous experience provides me with the following skills:
Excellent communication skills – I have always been able to effectively communicate with co-workers, customers and managers. My ability to listen and understand others has allowed me to collaborate on projects and make suggestions when needed.
Professionalism – I am always very respectful of others in the workplace. I believe this shows that I am hardworking and reliable person who takes pride in their work.
Multitasking – I have always been able to balance multiple tasks at once while still managing my time efficiently. As an example, when working as a receptionist at ABC Company, I was able to answer phone calls while typing up documents for important clients. This proves that I can multitask effectively without sacrificing quality results or deadlines.
c) I have been working as a data entry operator for the past 10 years. I am currently working as a data entry operator in Healthcare and Medical Records department at a hospital in my area. I have experience working with Excel, Word and PowerPoint. I am also familiar with other computer programs such as Sage 50 Accounts and QuickBooks Online.
I am very organized and detail-oriented person. I work efficiently, effectively and quickly to meet deadlines. I am also good at multitasking and getting things done on time.
I have excellent communication skills and enjoy interacting with others. This helps me achieve success in any company that hires me because my ability to communicate effectively with clients helps them feel comfortable working with me so they can get the best service possible from me as an employee of their company.
7. What are some examples of projects you’ve worked on?
Possible Answer(s):
a) I have worked at a number of companies, both large and small. I have been fortunate to work with many talented people who taught me a lot about software development.
At my current employer, I have worked on several projects as a member of the core team. These projects include:
– A web application that allows our customers to manage their accounts online. This project required building out an API for our customers to interact with and also implementing a number of features such as payment processing, fraud detection and reporting, etc.
– A machine learning algorithm that helps us predict which customers are likely to leave us, so we can offer them incentives to stay. We use this algorithm to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty based on their behaviors across all platforms (web, mobile).
8. Have you ever been in a leadership role?
Possible Answer: Yes, I was the captain of my soccer team in high school. I have also held leadership positions at my current job, where I am the lead software engineer for our company’s flagship product.
9. Have you ever managed a team of people?
Possible Answer: Yes, I have managed a team at my current job. It’s been a great experience, and I’ve learned a lot about communication and how to motivate other people.
10. How do you feel about leading others?
Possible Answer: I love it! It gives me a great sense of fulfillment to see people working together toward a common goal and then seeing that achievement come together when they succeed together.
11. What can you contribute to this company?
The answer to this question is the first impression that you give, and it’s one of the most important factors in getting a job.
It’s important to remember that this question is not asking what kind of work you do, but rather why would you be good at it.
If someone asks, “What can you contribute?” they are looking for answers like:
a) I have experience [insert experience]. I am passionate about [insert passion]. I have worked at [insert previous employer] and helped them achieve [insert accomplishment].
b) “I can contribute to this company in many ways. I am a hard worker, always willing to go the extra mile for the people I work with. I am also very organized, and can keep track of all aspects of my job. I have excellent communication skills and can easily speak with customers and co-workers alike.”
The above example answers the question “What can you contribute to this company?” by listing some of the qualities that make them a good fit for the company. This is an important part of your CV because it shows that you are not just looking for a job, but rather a career where you can grow and advance with the company.
12. Why should we hire you instead of someone else? Why do you want this job?
Employers want to know that anyone they hire will be motivated by something more than just money — they want someone who is dedicated and committed to the company’s mission or goals. Make sure your response shows them that these things matter most to you as well!
Possible Answers:
a) A good answer to this question is “I can contribute my experience in XYZ.
“XYZ” should be a skill that is relevant to the job you’re applying for, but also a skill that you have developed.
For example, if you are applying for a sales position, you could say: “I have experience selling products like yours and I know how to get people interested in them.” Or if you’re applying for an IT role: “I’ve used similar software to yours and I know how it works.”
It’s important that your answer actually relates to the job description so it makes sense when the hiring manager reads it later.
b) I’m a very hard worker, with a positive attitude and the ability to work well with others. I have a great deal of experience working in retail, both with customers and management. I’m also willing to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities.
c) I understand the importance of customer service and would be happy to help improve it at any company I work for.
d) I’m good at communicating with people, especially when it comes to explaining things or helping them make decisions about purchases. This is something that I’ve learned from my last job, where I worked as a sales associate at an electronics store.
I also have some experience working as a receptionist at another company, so that gives me extra skills when it comes to answering phones and greeting customers when they come into the office.
13. How can you help this company?
Possible Answers:
a) There are many ways that I can help this company. The first would be to improve the website. The site is very difficult to navigate, and it is not easy for me to find what I am looking for.
The second way that I can help this company is by improving the product line. The products are very limited, and they are not appealing to most customers. If they added more products, then they would have more sales and make more money.
The third way that I can help this company is by improving their customer service. Their customer service department is not very good at helping customers with their problems. If they could improve their customer service department, then they could attract more customers and make more money as well as keep their current customers happy with them for longer periods of time.
b) I have worked in the hospitality industry for over 13 years. I have managed establishments which include hotels, restaurants, and bars. I have managed staff up to 50 people and am familiar with all aspects of business management.
I’ve been working in the service industry for over 20 years and understand the importance of customer service and satisfaction.
In my last position, I was responsible for hiring new employees and training them on how to make our customers happy by providing excellent service and maintaining a clean establishment.
I’ve also worked in retail stores where it was my responsibility to greet customers when they entered the store, answer their questions about our products or services, help them find what they needed so that they could make their shopping experience easier and more enjoyable.
c) Thank you for your question.
I would like to help your company by providing a promotional service. I can create social media content, which will help in increasing the visibility of your brand.
I will also try my best to increase traffic on your website, which will lead to increase in the sales of your products or services.
My experience includes:-
- Creating and managing Facebook pages and groups.
- Creating and managing Twitter accounts with high followers and engagement.
- Creating viral contents with high engagement and shares on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
- Managing Google AdWords campaigns for clients across different industries.
14. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Possible Answer: In five years, I’d like to be working as an account manager for a medical device company. In ten years, I would like to be working as a regional sales manager for a medical device company.
15. How has your past experience prepared you for this position?
Possible Answer: My past experience has prepared me for this position because it taught me how to manage my time, prioritize tasks and meet deadlines. It taught me how to handle difficult customers and coworkers with professionalism and grace. It also taught me how to work well under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
16. What is your greatest achievement?
This question is often asked to gauge the candidate’s self-confidence and how they perceive themselves. They are also trying to see if the candidate has a healthy level of self-esteem.
17. What motivates you? What demotivates you at work?
This question is usually asked to see what drives the candidate, what their passion is, and how they handle pressure. It can also be used to assess their drive for success and willingness to work hard.
18. Do you have any questions for me?
This question gives candidates a chance to clarify any ambiguities in the interview or ask about company culture or values.
19. What are your strengths?
The good news is that there are plenty of strengths to choose from.
Possible Answers:
a) I am good at:
Communicating clearly
Resolving conflicts
Building rapport with people
Organizing or managing projects
Making connections between ideas or concepts
Influencing others
Finding solutions to problems
Leading change efforts
b) I’m good at being efficient with time and resources.
In other words, I’m good at making the most out of what I have available to me.
c) – I am a very good team player, who always likes to help my colleagues in any tasks they need.
– I am a very hard working person and always try to do my best in everything I do.
– I have good communication skills and can easily talk to new people.
– I am also very patient and can easily deal with customers and client’s issues.
d) My strengths are being a good listener and being able to communicate with people well. I am also very good at problem solving. I can also be very creative when I put my mind to it.
e) I’m good at public speaking, I’m a good listener, I’m a team player, I’m friendly and easy to get along with.
f) I have a great memory and can remember names, dates and facts. I work well under pressure and can focus on tasks for long periods of time without becoming distracted by other things going on around me.
I’m very organized and like to keep everything in order. I like to stay busy all the time and am always looking for new challenges to take on.
20. What are your weaknesses?
The key to growth is in knowing your weaknesses.
The first step to knowing your weaknesses is admitting that you have them.
The second step is understanding them.
The third step — and this is the most important — is to take action to overcome them.
We all have weaknesses, but what makes us different from each other is how we deal with them. Some people accept their weaknesses as a part of life and move on with their lives. Others don’t accept their weaknesses and keep trying to change them. But the most successful ones learn to work around their weaknesses by using their strengths as an advantage for themselves and for others.
So instead of worrying about what kind of person you are, focus on learning from your mistakes, becoming better at what you do best, and working around your weaknesses by using other people’s strengths in order to achieve more success!
Possible Answers:
a) My weaknesses are that sometimes I take on too much, but this is something that I am working on.
b) My weaknesses are that I am a perfectionist, which means I always want things to be done perfectly, and I am extremely detail oriented. I think this is a good thing, but sometimes it is not. For example, when I am working on a project or writing something, there will often be a point where I have written down all the details and it is time to move on to another part of the project.
However, because I am so detail oriented, I can’t move on until every little aspect of my project is perfect. This makes me take longer than some people and can be frustrating when I am trying to meet deadlines.
I also have trouble delegating work to other people. When things need to get done quickly or if there are multiple tasks that need completion at once, it can be difficult for me to trust others with them. This can cause problems in our department because everyone has their own responsibilities and we all need each other’s help sometimes.
c) I have a tendency to procrastinate, which leads to missed deadlines and missed opportunities. I know this is a problem, but I don’t know how to fix it.
I also struggle with anxiety, especially when it comes to speaking in public or leading meetings. This has held me back from doing things like presenting at conferences or leading a team meeting.
And finally, I’m not great at managing my time. I’m always late with projects and tasks because I try to do too much at once — especially if someone else is counting on me for something.
21. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Possible Answers
a) I would be a lawyer because I like the idea of being able to help people with their problems and make them happy.
b) I would like to be a doctor because it is such an important and rewarding job. They save lives every day.
c) I would love to be a teacher because it is one of the most rewarding professions in the world, teaching children and making them happy is something that makes me smile every day.
d) If I could have any job in the world, it would be to be a professional athlete. I’ve been playing sports since I was five years old, and it’s never gotten old for me.
I’m really good at tennis, soccer, basketball and volleyball. I’ve been playing tennis since I was five years old, so that’s what got me into sports in general.
I love playing all of them because they’re different games with different rules, but they’re also very similar in some ways like how they require teamwork and physical fitness.
I’m not sure which one is my favorite because they’re all fun to play in their own way. However, if I had to choose just one, it would probably be soccer because it’s pretty much my favorite sport out of all of them.
22. How do you feel about working overtime?
Possible Answers:
a) It depends on the situation.
If it’s something that I absolutely need to do, then I’m happy to do it. However, if it’s not something that I have to do, then I’m not going to be happy about doing it.
I don’t like working overtime because most of the time it feels like a waste of my time and energy.
I don’t mind working overtime if it’s for a good cause or for a special occasion. If there’s no reason for me to work overtime, then I would prefer not to do so because I don’t like wasting my time.
b) I don’t really mind working overtime. I enjoy my job and the people I work with, so I don’t mind staying late if necessary.
Sometimes it can get a little tough, but I’m usually able to take care of whatever needs doing as long as I have enough time to do it.
I’ve been working for my company for about 10 years now, so I’ve gotten used to being there after hours. Sometimes I’ll go home early because I have something else going on that night, but most of the time, I just hang out with my coworkers until they leave.
23. What are the most important attributes of a successful candidate?
A successful candidate is one who can do the job, and that’s it. If a company sets up its hiring process to look for anything more than that, then it’s setting itself up for failure.
In my experience, this is something that many companies have trouble with. They set up their hiring process to look for other things besides being able to perform the job well.
This is typically because they don’t know how to properly evaluate candidates on how well they’ll actually perform on the job. In fact, there are many companies out there who don’t even know what they want in an employee and will hire based on gut instinct or something similar.
So, what are some things that companies often look for when hiring new employees?
Possible Answers:
a) – Personality fit: Companies want people who fit in with their culture and values, so they’ll often ask questions about your personality during an interview or during a phone screen before making an offer. This is one reason why many companies ask about your hobbies or interests during an interview — not just because they’re interested in getting to know you better but also because those hobbies could be important indicators of future performance on the job.
-A positive attitude
-The ability to learn and adapt quickly
-The ability to work well with others, including management
-The ability to work independently
Experience – This is the most important attribute because it shows that you have experience in the field and can deliver on your promises.
Leadership ability – You need to be able to lead others in your team and show them how you want them to work.
Problem-solving skills – You need to be able to solve problems quickly and efficiently, so make sure you practice this skill in your daily life as well.
Communication skills – If you can’t communicate with clients or other employees, then it will be hard for you to succeed in this field.
Creativity – Creativity comes into play when designing new ideas for products or services that haven’t been used before, so make sure that you have some creativity in your personality!
Passionate about what they do. This means that they are constantly learning and improving their skills, and they are always reaching out to learn more.
A self-starter who is able to work independently on projects with minimal guidance. These people have initiative and drive, and they understand that by taking initiative and working hard, they can achieve great results.
A team player who is able to collaborate with others despite having strong opinions on how things should be done. This means that they are flexible enough to adapt their opinions when needed, but also confident enough to voice them when they feel strongly about something.
Someone who has already achieved something great in their life or career (or both). This could be anything from winning an award at work or school, being published in a magazine or book (even if it’s just your high school newspaper), becoming president of an organization, or even writing an article for a blog or website like mine! The point is that these candidates have already proven themselves by doing something noteworthy in the past — which means that we can expect them.
24. How would you describe a good boss/employee relationship?
Possible Answers:
a) I would describe a good boss/employee relationship as one where both parties are happy and satisfied with each other. A good boss will be someone who is fair, treats their employees with respect and has a good understanding of the business they are in.
A good employee will be someone who is willing to work hard, take initiative and learn new skills.
Both parties should have an open communication channel so if there are any issues they can be resolved quickly and easily.
b) A good boss/employee relationship is when there is mutual respect between the two parties.
A good boss/employee relationship is when someone is willing to help out when needed, without being asked.
A good boss/employee relationship is when the employee feels like they are part of a team and not just another number at their job.
c) I think a good boss/employee relationship is when both parties are working together towards the same goal of success. A boss needs to be able to delegate tasks, and an employee needs to be able to take on responsibility. If both people are doing their jobs, then the business will thrive.
A good boss will respect his employees and treat them like family members. He should also listen to his employees’ ideas and opinions because he might learn something new from them.
A good employee will work hard at what he does and treat others with respect regardless of gender, race or religion. An employee should also be committed to doing his job well, because this shows that he cares about what he is doing, which will lead to better results in the end.
d) A good boss/employee relationship is one in which both parties are able to work together, and they respect each other.
A good boss is one who treats employees with respect, listens to them and understands their needs. The employee should also treat their boss with respect and be willing to take direction when needed. Both parties should be open about problems and concerns so that they can be resolved.
A good employee will do what he or she can to help the business, whether it’s taking on extra work or helping out a new hire. A good employee will ask questions if there’s something he or she doesn’t understand, but won’t ask too many questions or try to micromanage everything.
Both parties should have clear expectations for what each person’s role is, as well as an understanding of how the company works internally. They should also have some sort of goals for the future, whether it’s personal growth or professional development.
e) A good boss/employee relationship is one where both the boss and employee are happy and fulfilled in their roles.
A good boss is someone who has a positive attitude, can be a friend to their employees, and has the ability to inspire them to do better than they thought possible. On the other hand, an employee should always be ready to accept criticism from their superiors if it will help them improve as an individual.
Both parties need to be respectful of each other’s opinions; however, there are times when there will be disagreements between them. It’s important for both parties to listen carefully and try to see things from the other person’s point of view before making any decisions or judgments about the situation at hand.
25. How long have you been in this line of work?
Possible Answers:
a) I started my career as a software developer when I was just 16 years old. I created a website which allowed people to create their own music videos. The site grew in popularity, and I eventually sold the company for thousands of dollars. After that, I founded another company called Equinox Marketing which helped businesses grow their online presence by offering them SEO services and PPC ads.
Since then, I’ve worked at over 30 companies doing different things including: content marketing, SEO consultant, social media consultant and more recently as an eCommerce consultant for Shopify stores like yours!
b) I’ve been in this line of work for over 20 years. I feel very comfortable with all aspects of the job and with my experience, I can handle most anything that comes up.
If you are a newbie to the industry, then your answer should be something like this:
I’ve been doing this kind of work for about 2 years now and I feel very comfortable handling most situations that come up.
c) I’ve been in this line of work for over a decade.
I started out as a web designer, then moved into the web development industry. I have been working with WordPress since 2009 and have built hundreds of websites using it.
26. How would your former boss/coworkers describe you?
Possible Answers
a) “The strongest point in this person’s professional background is that they are very good at what they do. They are very knowledgeable at their job and know exactly what needs to be done to get the job done. I don’t think there is anything that could be improved upon.”
b) “This person is very dependable and reliable. They are also very hard working and willing to go above and beyond for their job. This person does not give up until the task at hand is completed.”
c) “This person has a lot of experience with their field of work and is always willing to help out where needed.”
d) “This applicant knows their job inside out! They are very detailed oriented, passionate about what they do, and extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of their position.”
e) “You’re very intelligent and hardworking. You’re also extremely organized and detail-oriented, which is why you were such an asset to our team. You always made sure that all of your work was completed on time and with the highest quality possible. The clients loved working with you because they knew that everything would be done correctly, and in a timely manner.
You also have excellent communication skills. You are able to explain complex concepts in ways that everyone can understand, which made it easy for us to work together as a team. One of my favorite things about working with you was that I could send you an email or text message at any time during the day and expect an immediate response from you. All of your responses were always helpful and informative – not just “yes” or “no” answers!
In addition, you are very reliable and dependable – two qualities that every employer looks for in their employees! I never had any doubts about whether or not I could count on you when we needed help with something important. You always stepped up when we needed help with projects or tasks that required extra attention to detail, or required someone who could think outside of the box”
27. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your life?
Possible Answers:
a) The most important thing I’ve learned in my life is that my happiness is my responsibility and that no one can make me happy except myself.
I know this sounds like a cliche, but it’s true. The only person who can make you happy is yourself. If someone else makes you happy, they may be part of your happiness, but they aren’t the whole thing.
If you’re trying to make someone else happy all the time and expecting them to do the same for you, then neither of you will ever be truly happy because there’s always going to be something missing. You’ll always feel like something is missing and never be able to fill that void with another person because it’s not theirs to fill; it’s yours alone.
b) In life, I’ve learned that it’s important to be confident in yourself. I’ve also learned that it’s okay to be different and do things differently.
c) The most important thing I’ve learned is that there is no such thing as perfection. You can try your best and do everything you can, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter because nobody is perfect.
d) I have been able to learn many things throughout my life. The most important thing I have learned is that you need to treat people with respect and love them no matter what happens between you two.
e) I have learned that love is more than a feeling, it’s an action worded with intent which makes it real!
f) One of the most important things I have learned in my life is not to take things for granted or assume what others may think about me or my actions. This has helped me become more open and understanding towards other people’s thoughts and ideas, leading me to create better relationships with those around me!
g) There are many important things that I have learned. One of them is that everything happens for a reason. You may not understand the reason at first, but eventually, you will. Another one is that you can’t change the past, but you can change your future by making better decisions from this point on. A third thing is to never give up on anything or anyone, because there is always hope.
h) I’ve learned that every time I’m faced with a difficult situation in my life, I have to keep fighting until I get what I want out of it. It may not be easy, but it’s worth it in the end.
28. What are your salary requirements?
The best way to answer this question is to talk about the level of compensation that you’ve earned in previous positions. This will give the interviewer an idea of what you’re worth to an employer, and if the numbers match up, you might be able to negotiate a higher salary.
However, don’t be too specific with your answers. The interviewer will want to know that they’re getting a good deal on their investment in you as an employee. It’s okay to say something like, “I believe that my skills and experience are worth Ksh. 5M per year.” You can also ask for more money if the interviewer offers you less than what you think you deserve. If they have offered you Ksh. 4.5M and you feel like you should be making Ksh. 5.5M, then ask for an extra Ksh. 0.5M!
Possible Answer:
I am currently making Ksh. 5.1M per year as a junior software engineer at Company X. However, I have been working in the field for 6 years and have learned a lot during that time. I am very confident that I could show my worth at a much higher rate with another company.
I would like to receive an offer of Ksh. 7.2M annually because it still allows me room to grow within the company and would allow me to advance my skills even further.
29. What’s your dream job? What are the top five things that would make it so great?
Possible Answers:
I’ve been in the computer software industry for a long time, and have seen many changes. I have learned a lot.
My dream job is:
a) Working on something that has a positive impact on society. I want to be part of bringing some kind of technology or process that helps people, makes their lives easier and more enjoyable, or just makes them think “wow!”.
b) Working with smart and interesting people who like to think outside the box, who are passionate about what they do and don’t take themselves too seriously.
c) Not having to worry about money, so I can focus 100% on my work without worrying about paying the rent next month or paying for medical bills when someone gets sick.
d) Having enough time off so that I’m not stressed out all the time from working too much and not having enough time with family or friends.
e) I think my dream job would be a combination of my current job, and my previous job. The combination would result in a job where I get to work with people, and help them find their path.
f)The first thing that would make it so great is the ability to have flexible hours. As long as I get my work done, I don’t care when or how often I do it. Flexibility in scheduling allows me to spend more time with my family and friends. This is important to me because it has been shown that having strong relationships with others is linked to increased happiness levels.
The second thing that would make it so great is being able to travel internationally on a regular basis. I want to see all that this world has to offer before it’s too late! Traveling allows me to explore new cultures, try new foods, meet new people, and experience different ways of life. It also helps expose me to new ideas which may inspire me creatively.
The third thing that would make it so great is being able to spend more time volunteering or helping others in need. Volunteering can make you feel good about yourself by helping others who are less fortunate than yourself; however, there are other benefits as well.
30. What did you like least about your last job?
Possible Answers:
a) I loved everything about my last job, but there were a few things I didn’t like.
It wasn’t a terrible place to work, but I felt like the company was too focused on making money, and not focused enough on providing a great customer experience. It seemed like they were more concerned with the bottom line than with their employees or customers.
I also thought that we could have done a better job of communicating with each other. We had meetings and talked about our goals, but it didn’t feel like we were working together as a team very often.
b) I would say that one of the things I didn’t like about my last job was how much time I had to spend on administrative tasks. While it is important to stay organized and keep track of things, I felt like my time was being wasted on tasks that could have been easily automated by a computer.
For example: I had to enter data into a spreadsheet every month and then email the spreadsheet to everyone on my team and our clients. This took me an hour or two each month, which added up over time.
Another example: We used Dropbox as our version control system and every week we had to copy all of our code onto our server using rsync. It would have been much easier if we had just used git push and then pulled down the changes from our server when needed.
c) I like the fact that it was a small company, and I got to work with everyone. The culture was very laid back and easy going.
d) I did not like the fact that there were no benefits offered.
e) I did not like the fact that there wasn’t much room for growth within the company.
f) I loved working with the people and the business, but what I didn’t like was the work environment. It was very stressful and I felt like I was always being watched. The office culture was a little toxic, too, and that made things even worse.
g) I dislike the fact that there were two or three people in a team, but they all did different things.
I would have liked to learn more about what the other people do.
I also disliked the fact that sometimes we were given tasks which were not related to our role and it was very hard for us to do them.
31. Why did you leave your last job?
Possible Answers:
a) I left my last job because I was looking for a change in my career. I was working in sales and I wanted to get into a more technical role.
The company was very small, so there wasn’t much room for advancement.
I wanted to work for a larger company where I would have more opportunities for growth and learning.
b) I left my last job because I was dissatisfied with the work environment. There was no clear vision, no defined goals and no communication between employees. It was a very frustrating situation for me.
I was also unhappy with the compensation package. The salary was not competitive enough and there were no benefits as well.
c) I left my last job because I wanted to take time off and enjoy life. I have been working since the age of 16 and I wanted to spend time with family and friends. I also wanted to find a job that would allow me to work from home so that I could spend more time with my family.
d) I left my last job because I was bored, and I wanted to try something new.
I was working for a large corporation, and it was just not challenging enough. I wanted to be around people who were passionate about what they did, and who could teach me new things every day.
I had been with the company for two years, and I felt like it was time for a change.
I feel like this job is a perfect fit for me because we share mutual goals and values.
e) I left my last job because I wanted to take on a more challenging role, and I felt that the company wasn’t going to be able to provide me with that opportunity.
I was looking for more responsibility, but my boss didn’t see me as a candidate for promotion. She said that I needed more experience before she would consider me for the next step up in the company. It seemed like she didn’t think I was ready for more responsibility or a raise.
I also wasn’t happy with how often we were changing direction at work. We were always coming up with new projects, but they were never getting finished because there were so many other things going on around us that were more important than what we were doing at the moment. This made it difficult for me to plan my schedule and get things done on time because I didn’t know when something was going to be due or who needed it by what day or time frame.
32. What do you expect from this job?
Possible Answers:
a) I expect a job that is challenging and exciting. I want to be able to work with a team that is great at what they do, and I also want to learn new things every day. I feel like it is important that the company has a good reputation in the industry, because it shows that they care about their clients. I also expect my coworkers to be friendly and easy going people who are willing to help me when needed.
I’m an independent person and I love to work alone. I enjoy working with people, but I don’t need a lot of interaction with them.
b) As far as my expectations for this job, I would like to work in a place that is clean and organized, because it makes me feel more comfortable and productive. And I would like the company to be friendly and respectful toward their employees.
c) What I expect from this job is to be able to work in a friendly environment. I am looking for a job that will allow me to use my skills and knowledge. I want to be challenged and feel like I am making a difference.
I’m interested in the position because it sounds like it fits my background and experience very well.
I would love the opportunity to show you how well I can do the job.
33. What do you think is the most important quality in a supervisor or manager?
Possible Answers:
a) I think the most important quality in a supervisor or manager is someone who knows how to deal with people. They should have good communication skills, be able to listen, and be able to resolve conflicts without creating more problems.
I also think that the supervisor should know how to motivate their employees. This can be done by praising them when they do well and by helping them develop their skills so they can achieve more.
The supervisor should also be able to give clear instructions on what needs to be done and how it needs to be done. They should also keep an eye out for any problems or issues that might arise so they can deal with them before they become serious problems.
b) I think the most important quality in a supervisor or manager is honesty.
I think this because it is important that the supervisor does not lie to his/her employees, because it will make them feel like they can’t trust their boss. They will also feel like they need to be careful about what they say and do, because their boss might punish them for something they didn’t even know was wrong.
The second quality I think is important is respect.
I think this because it is very important that your boss respects you as an employee, and doesn’t treat you differently because of your age, race, or gender. You should be able to come to them with any problems and talk about them without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.
The third quality I think is important is fairness.
I think this because when someone gets promoted over another person who has been working hard for years at the same job, it can make them feel upset or angry at their boss or company. This could also happen if someone gets fired for something that another person did worse but wasn’t punished for doing it.
c) The most important quality in a supervisor or manager is honesty. When you’re honest with your employees, they can trust you and respect you. If you are dishonest with them, they will never trust or respect you.
I believe that honesty is the best policy. If you’re honest with your employees, they will respect you more because they know you’re not hiding anything from them. If there’s something wrong with their work performance, or if they’re not doing their job correctly, then they need to be told about it so that they can improve and become better workers.
If you lie to them about something like this, then it could lead to problems down the road when they find out the truth and feel betrayed by what happened earlier on in their employment at your company.
Employees need to be treated fairly in order for them to perform well at their jobs and work hard towards their goals within the company itself. It doesn’t matter if they’ve been working there for years or months; everyone needs fairness when it comes to being paid and having good working conditions during their time at work.
Not only should an employer treat their employees fairly but also themselves as well (if possible). This way both parties can be happy in their job situation
d) I think the most important quality in a supervisor or manager is consistency.
I have worked with many people who have had no training in management, and they often treat everyone differently. They play favorites and don’t apply company policies consistently.
If you are a boss who wants to be respected and liked by your employees, then you have to be consistent in your actions. If you’re not sure how to handle a situation, talk to someone who has experience in management, but don’t make decisions based on how other people would handle it.
For example, if an employee comes in late and says that there was traffic on the freeway, don’t give them a break just because you would have been late too if the same thing happened to you. If someone breaks company policy by having lunch at their desk instead of taking it outside (or whatever), then punish them for it even if it’s something that happens all of the time at other companies or departments.
There are plenty of times when I’ve gotten upset at my boss or coworkers because they weren’t consistent with their actions, but when I got promoted into management and started dealing with these issues myself, I realized how much easier things were when everyone knew what to expect from.
e) I think the most important quality in a supervisor or manager is communication skills.
This is because I believe that if you can’t communicate with your team, then they will not be able to understand what you want from them, and they will not know how to do their job properly.
The other important quality would be the ability to listen to feedback from others.
This is because if you cannot listen to feedback from others, then it is unlikely that any of your employees will be able to tell you about problems in your team.
34. What makes you a good fit for this position?
Possible Answers
a) I’m a very organized person who always has a plan. I have a degree in business administration and accounting, so I know how to keep track of finances. I also like to stay busy and am always looking for ways to grow my skills.
I’m the type of person who doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty if it means making sure everything is done right. I have experience working with clients, so I know how important it is to make them happy. It’s important to me too, which is why I take pride in doing everything possible to meet their expectations.
In addition to my strong work ethic, I also have great communication skills. This comes in handy when dealing with people at all levels within an organization — from vendors and customers to executives and managers.
b) I’m a good fit for this position because I possess the skills, knowledge, and experience to contribute to your organization’s success. My work history includes four years as a technical support representative with ABC Company. During my tenure there, I developed an understanding of the company’s products and how they functioned within the network. In addition, I was able to identify problems before they became major issues that affected the entire network.
As your new network technician, I will be able to implement solutions that will increase system efficiency while reducing operational costs. My experience working with computer networks will allow me to troubleshoot problems quickly and efficiently.
c) I am a good fit for this position because I have great experience in sales, customer service, and project management.
I have been selling products since I was 16 years old. I have been selling to customers directly through online platforms and over the phone. I have sold products to retail stores as well as other businesses.
This is a job that I take seriously, and it is one of my main priorities in life.
I also have excellent customer service skills. No matter what kind of problem or issue you are having with your product, I will help you solve it as quickly and efficiently as possible.
In terms of project management, I am skilled at managing multiple tasks at once so that everyone involved is satisfied with the end result. This includes communication between myself and other individuals involved with the process (whether they are internal or external).
d) I am a good fit for this position because I’m well-versed in the field of marketing and have experience with a variety of PPC platforms, including Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads. I’ve worked with clients ranging from small businesses to large corporations, including Fortune 500 companies.
I’ve also been using social media since before the term “social media” was even coined. In fact, I started working in marketing because I love the idea of helping businesses succeed by leveraging social media.
I’m also very familiar with the latest trends in digital marketing – including mobile ads and retargeting – as well as traditional offline marketing strategies such as direct mail, telemarketing and print ads.
e) There are a number of reasons why I feel that I would be a great fit for this position.
First, I have experience with this kind of work. For the last six years, I have worked as an administrative assistant in several different offices. In each position, I was responsible for answering phones, taking messages and scheduling appointments. These skills are exactly what the job description asks for.
Second, I am an excellent communicator. All of my previous positions required me to communicate with people on a regular basis and that experience has helped me become very good at it. In fact, one of my supervisors once told me that I was one of the best communicators she had ever worked with because I always knew how to handle sensitive situations with care.
35. Can you give me an example of a time when you had to work with someone who had a very different personality than yours? How did you handle it?
Possible Answers
a) The first time I was asked to work with someone who had a very different personality than mine, I was very surprised.
I’m a very introverted person and the other person was much more outgoing than me. She also had a different style of working. Our personalities clashed at first and it was hard for us to work together. But over time we learned to respect one another and now we work very well together. We even have fun while working!
You have to be flexible when you have a coworker who has different qualities than yours. If you can’t adjust, then it might be better for both of you if you find another job where your personality fits in better with others or vice versa if your coworker is the one who needs to adjust their personality for the team.
b) I have worked with many different personalities and I have found that working with someone who has a very different personality than mine, can be very challenging. It is important to remember that every person is different and has their own way of doing things.
When working with people who are different from myself, I try to keep an open mind, so that I can learn from them. If there is something about their work style that does not work for me, then I find it better if I inform them about my feelings rather than just leaving them without any feedback.
It is also important for me to understand why they do things in a certain way and then try to adapt my methods to suit theirs. In some cases, this can be difficult but it should always be done in order to create a good working environment and make everyone happy!
c) When I was working on a project in college, one of my teammates had a very different personality than me. He was very strong-willed and didn’t like to be challenged. If he thought you were wrong, he would let you know. This made things difficult because we were supposed to be working on a group project together, but he didn’t want any input from the rest of us.
I tried explaining that we needed to work together as a team, but he wasn’t having it. So I had to find ways around him. I found someone else who was willing to help me out and convince him that it would be better if he did what they wanted him to do.
It worked out in the end, and even though it was stressful at times, we were able to get our project done by working together as a team instead of against each other.
d) I had to work with someone who was very different than myself. She was very laid back and relaxed while I am more on the uptight and anxious side. I had a hard time working with her because I would always be on edge and nervous when she wasn’t around, but when she was around things were fine.
I eventually learned how to work with her and what she needed from me. She always told me that if something happened that I needed to let her know right away so she could make sure things got done correctly and on time. So if something came up during the day and we weren’t able to communicate, it would cause problems for both of us later in the day when we realized what had happened.
The way I handled this situation was by learning how to communicate better with each other so that we didn’t have any problems later on in the day.
e) I have been in this situation before and it was a very stressful one. The person I was working with had a very short temper and didn’t like things done in a certain way. I was new to the job and didn’t know how to handle the situation properly so it ended up causing a lot of stress on everyone around me.
I think the best thing to do would be to try and talk to them about their concerns in an honest way, so they can see that you are trying to help them out as much as possible. If they are still being unreasonable then you may need to speak with your manager about it and see if there is anything else that needs doing for this task or if another member of staff can help out.
36. How do you deal with stress and pressure?
a) I’ve been there. I’ve felt the pressure of work, family and friends. I’ve felt the stress of what seems like an insurmountable problem. But I’ve also learned how to handle it all.
My first strategy is ask for help. You’re not alone in your stress and pressure, so don’t think that you have to deal with it on your own. If you feel like you have too much on your plate, then share some of that burden with a friend or family member who can help you out. It’s important that you don’t let others carry some of your load because they’ll get tired and fall behind as well; but if they can help lighten it up just a little bit, then do it!
My second piece of advice is to make sure that everything is in order before worrying about anything else. This can be difficult if there are several things going on at once, but try anyway!
b) I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress lately because of school, work, and family. It’s hard to be on top of things all the time but I’m trying my best to make sure that everything is taken care of before it becomes an issue.
One way that helps me deal with stress is by getting enough sleep because when you’re tired you’ll have more problems than usual. Another way I deal with stress is by doing things that make me happy like going out with friends or just hanging out around town where there aren’t any distractions so I can enjoy myself more!
c) I used to be a very stressed person, but now I’ve learned how to deal with it. I used to get angry and frustrated very easily, but that is not the case anymore. I have a lot more patience when dealing with people and situations.
I’m still a very passionate person, so if something is important to me, I will go all-out and throw myself into it. That’s why I created my own business — because it’s something I believe in!
One of my biggest stressors was school. My parents always told me that school was important, but they didn’t tell me why. They never sat down with me and explained what it means to have a good education; they just expected me to do well on my own.
They didn’t teach me how to study or how to learn new things; it was up to me (and my friends) to figure those things out on our own. And sometimes those lessons were painful ones!
But now that I’ve learned how to manage my time better and how to prioritize my life, things are much easier for me now than they were before — especially when it comes to school work!
37. What can you tell us about our company and industry?
Possible Answers
a) I know that you’re a big name in the world of sales. I’ve read some of your case studies, and I’m impressed with what you’ve accomplished. That’s why I’m here today.
I’ve been reading up on the company and its history, and I was wondering if you could tell me more about the company’s history, its current goals and objectives, and how those goals affect the job market?
It’s good to see that there is a lot of room for growth in this industry.
b) You can start by saying something like: “I did some research on your company before coming here today and I noticed that you have been doing very well lately. Congratulations!”
Then give a few examples of why you think they have done so well: “I read about how you recently won a national award for your XYZ program.” Or, “I saw that your product has become very popular with consumers.”
c) I have studied all the information available on your website and have read some articles and blogs on the industry. I think that it is a great opportunity to work with your organization. According to me, your company has been able to maintain its position in such a competitive market for so many years because of its strong presence in the industry.