The United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress and human rights issues. It was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries and to provide a platform for dialogue.
The UN has 193 member states, including all its major economies and most populous countries. The organization is funded by contributions from its member states, and assessed dues or voluntary donations from other countries. The UN Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, who may be elected for a five-year term by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. The Secretary-General serves as the organization’s chief administrative officer but does not have any powers of enforcement.
- Types of Employment Contracts Offered By The UN
- Benefits Of Working With The UN
- Work with a global network of professionals who are committed to making a difference in the world.
- You’ll have access to interesting job opportunities
- Gain valuable experience
- International exposure
- Working with different cultures
- A competitive salary
- A comprehensive package of benefits and allowances.
- The opportunity to travel around the world on missions related to your job responsibilities
- Flexible working hours
- An exciting work environment
- Medical and dental insurance
- Life insurance
- Disability insurance
- Requirements For Working For The United Nations
- Preparing To Apply For United Nations Jobs In Kenya
- UN Jobs In Kenya You Can Pursue
- The UN Job Application Process
- Conclusion
Types of Employment Contracts Offered By The UN
Working for the United Nations is a unique experience. UN jobs offer a wide range of career opportunities that can be challenging, rewarding and highly varied.
The United Nations offers different types of employment contracts:
Contracts for services
Full-time or part-time employment under a contract for services with the United Nations Secretariat or its specialized agencies or funds. These contracts are renewable after three years if they are renewed by mutual agreement between the parties.
Contracts for goods
Full-time or part-time employment under a contract for goods with an entity other than the United Nations Secretariat, but in support of its peacekeeping efforts, humanitarian operations or development activities (i.e., procurement officers). These contracts are renewable after three years if they are renewed by mutual agreement between the parties.
In addition to these two types of contracts, there are also one other type of employment that are available only to citizens from Member States:
Assignment from their government
In some instances, Member States may ask their nationals to work as experts on assignment from their government in New York or Geneva on issues related to their country’s mandate at the Council or Assembly (e.g., budgetary issues).
Benefits Of Working With The UN
Work with a global network of professionals who are committed to making a difference in the world.
The UN is dedicated to improving conditions around the globe, and many people work for the UN because it gives them an opportunity to contribute positively to society. The UN has a wide range of programs designed to help improve life in developing countries, such as providing food aid or funding education initiatives. If you have a passion for helping others, working for the UN will give you an opportunity to put your skills and talents to use in support of humanitarian causes.
You’ll have access to interesting job opportunities
Because of its global scope, there are many different positions available within the UN system that offer different types of work experiences. Some positions involve doing research on international issues like poverty, health care and education; others require technical expertise related to specific areas like development or security; still others involve managing programs or negotiating agreements between governments or international organizations. There are also positions available for those who want more hands-on experience working directly with people around the world.
Gain valuable experience
If you are looking for an international career then working for UN is a great way to gain valuable experience as well as making friends from all over the world.
If you have already completed university or college then this could be a good place for you to start your career if you want to move up quickly. The United Nations has very strict requirements when it comes to qualifications and experience so make sure that you read these before applying for any positions.
If you do not meet their criteria then there are other ways that you can get involved with UN such as volunteering or internships where no previous experience is required but it does give those interested in joining them something concrete on their CV when applying
International exposure
UN employees get to see the world through their work. While most of us will only ever travel abroad on vacation or business, UN staff get to visit numerous countries on a regular basis. You’ll be able to visit some of the most beautiful places in the world while working for the UN.
Working with different cultures
While it can be challenging at times, working with people from different cultures can be extremely rewarding and help you develop personally and professionally. The UN encourages all its staff to embrace diversity and learn from other cultures so that they can better understand how they fit into the global community.
A competitive salary
UNs salaries are often higher than that of other international organizations or government agencies.
For example, the starting salary of a UN professional officer is approximately Ksh. 300,000 per month.
The UN salaries are based on your experience and education level. You can earn up to Ksh. 13.2M per year if you’re hired as a high-level executive or manager.
The monthly premium varies also depending on salary grade, type of coverage chosen and age at start date of coverage (if applicable).
A comprehensive package of benefits and allowances.
The UN offers generous leave entitlements for both employees and their families. Employees also enjoy paid home leave, educational leave/training opportunities, annual leave and public holidays as well as a special allowance for those posted to New York or Geneva.
The opportunity to travel around the world on missions related to your job responsibilities
Staff members have access to discounted airfare when using official flights booked by UN departments or agencies and enjoy other travel privileges such as hotel accommodation at reduced rates, visa assistance and reimbursement of travel expenses incurred while carrying out official duties (such as passport fees).
Flexible working hours
The UN understands that sometimes employees need to work outside normal business hours — especially if they have children or other responsibilities at home that require their attention during extended periods of time outside the office. As a result, it offers flexible schedules so that employees can take off time when needed and still keep their jobs.
An exciting work environment
Where collaboration is encouraged and rewarded – working at the United Nations is like being part of an extended family!
Medical and dental insurance
The UN offers comprehensive health coverage for its staff and their families. Medical services are provided by the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), a self-financed agency of the UN system. Staff can choose from different health plans depending on their needs. In addition, any country where the UN has an office can be designated as the beneficiary in case of death or permanent disability.
Life insurance
United Nations staff are eligible to purchase life insurance up to Ksh. 100 million at group rates through General Accident Insurance Company (GAIC) or Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited (PLL).
Disability insurance
The UN provides disability income protection by means of two benefit plans: Critical Illness Insurance Scheme (CIIS) and Short Term Disability Income Protection Scheme (STDIP). Both schemes offer protection against loss of income due to illness or injury.
CIIS offers coverage for up to 12 months with benefits based on salary level while STDIP provides income protection up to Ksh. 1,000,000 per month.
Requirements For Working For The United Nations
In order to be considered for a position at the United Nations, you must meet the following requirements:
a) You must be a citizen of one of the member states of the United Nations (check the full list here). If you are not a citizen of one of these countries, but are a citizen of another country with diplomatic relations with the UN, this may not be an issue. Contact your local UN office for more information.
b) You must have at least one to five years’ experience in an international organization or with a national government.
c) You must speak English fluently (at least level 7 on the International English Language Testing System) or French adequately enough to perform your job duties.
d) If you’re applying for a position within an agency/department that requires expertise in a specific area (e.g., agriculture), you’ll also need to demonstrate proficiency in that area by taking exams such as tests for agricultural economics and horticulture.
Preparing To Apply For United Nations Jobs In Kenya
Research Career Options At The UN
It is important to keep an eye on the United Nations website.
This is where you will find all the information about vacancies, and you can also sign up to receive email alerts when a job has become available.
The United Nations jobs website is a great resource for anyone interested in working at the UN. It lists all vacancies, including those that are not advertised elsewhere.
When you visit the site, you will see a link at the bottom of the page that says “Search for jobs”. Click on this to search for vacancies by location and type of job. The site also provides information about how to apply for each vacancy – some require applications from outside candidates while others allow internal applicants who have already been shortlisted by the UN Secretariat or other UN organizations or bodies.
The website also has links to several other useful resources, such as:
- An online application system (OASys) if you want to apply for a specific job;
- A list of current internships available; and
- Information about how to write an application letter and CV.
Look at the following websites for information:
- The UN Official website (http://careers.un.org)
- The UN Channel website (https://unchannel.org)
- The UN Job List website (http://unjoblist.org)
If you are not sure where you want to work, applying directly to UN agencies is a great way to find out which ones you’re likely to get an offer from.
Apply directly to any UN agency you are interested in working for and ask to be put on their mailing list to receive regular updates of new opportunities. They will usually send these by email, so make sure you sign up with a working email address that you check regularly.
If one agency doesn’t have any suitable vacancies, they will let you know. You can then consider applying elsewhere if they do have something that matches your skills and interests. But even if they don’t, it may be worth staying on their mailing list anyway because they may call for applications at any time for future vacancies or internships.
This is a very effective way of getting a job as most agencies have their own websites with information about current vacancies, including:
- UN Women www.unwomen.org/en/work-with-us
- UNICEF www.unicefusa.org/careers
- UNDP http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/careers/job-opportunities.html#3
You can find a list of all UN agencies here: https://www.un.org/development/desa/countries/index.html
You can also keep up with job postings at the UN by following them on Twitter: @UNJobs_us or by subscribing to their blog: https://www.unjobsusa.org/blog/.
If you don’t see any vacancies that appeal, send an email and ask if there are any positions coming up that may suit you or if there are any plans to recruit in the future. This will help them keep you in mind and keep a record of your interest in working for them, which might pay off later when something does come up!
Ask your friends if they know anyone who works in the United Nations and can recommend you for a job, or at least give you helpful advice.
You may be surprised by how many people have connections with the UN or know someone who does. In fact, there are over 40,000 staff members working at the UN – more than 120 countries are represented by this diverse group of individuals. And with so many people involved in such an important cause, it’s likely that someone you know will be able to help you out!
You could also ask them if they know of any jobs that are currently available and how to apply.
If you don’t have any friends who work at the United Nations, consider asking co-workers or acquaintances if they’ve heard about any openings or know someone who works there.
This may not lead directly to a job at the UN, but it will help you get your foot in the door.
If you’re looking for a UN jobs in Kenya, it helps to stand out from the crowd. One way to do that is by participating in internships, volunteer work and professional training programs that sound appealing to broaden your experience and make your CV look more attractive.
If you’re thinking about going into public relations or marketing, volunteer at a nonprofit organization that focuses on those areas. It will give you valuable experience while helping others at the same time.
UN Jobs In Kenya You Can Pursue
The career options at the UN are varied and include many different types of jobs. Here are some examples:
Peacekeeping missions are one of the best-known roles played by the UN. These can be small or large scale and may involve monitoring ceasefires, providing humanitarian aid or protecting civilians during conflicts. You can find out more about peacekeeping careers at the UN here.
Diplomats work in embassies around the globe representing their country’s interests at home and abroad. Diplomatic careers can last for decades and take you all over the world as you move up through the ranks. A degree in international relations or politics is highly recommended if you’re interested in pursuing this type of career at the UN. Find out more about diplomatic careers here.
The UN relies heavily on translation services so they can communicate with people from all over the world who don’t speak English fluently enough to understand everything being said at meetings and conferences. Translators (also known as interpreters) must have excellent language skills.
Administrative assistant
An Administrative Assistant is responsible for providing support and administrative assistance to UN staff. This includes answering correspondence, maintaining office records and databases, scheduling appointments and travel arrangements, ordering and receiving office supplies, managing expense reports and invoices, and other general administrative tasks as required.
The Administrative Assistant also provide support to the Project Managers by coordinating activities with vendors, clients and contractors. They are highly organized, detail-oriented and able to multitask. The ability to speak fluently is required for this position.
Accountants play an important role in the UN organizational structure as they help provide financial oversight over how money is spent on behalf of member states and other stakeholders like donors. They also assist senior management in setting budgets and ensuring that these are adhered to throughout the year.
The UN also uses accounting to make sure that money is being spent where it should, and that there are no attempts at embezzlement or fraud. For example, if an accountant notices that someone has been stealing from the organization, they can report it immediately so it can be investigated and stopped before more damage is done.
Like any large institution, the UN has to ensure that it maintains high standards of financial accountability and transparency. Auditors ensure that every dollar spent by UN agencies is accounted for accurately and completely; that money does not disappear into a black hole; that fraud does not occur; and that all resources are used efficiently.
Budget analyst
The budget analyst plays an important role in ensuring that the UN is financially sound, efficient and transparent. They do this by reviewing budgets and financial statements to ensure that they meet internal regulations as well as external auditing standards. They also make sure that expenditures are consistent with mission goals and objectives.
Budget analysts work with other departments within or outside of the UN to determine how much money will be needed for programs or projects within their jurisdiction. They may also negotiate with donors to obtain funding for their projects or programs. They may also negotiate with donors to obtain funding for their projects or programs.
Communications officer
The job description for this position includes “supporting the development and dissemination of communications material to inform and promote awareness of UN activities.” In other words, they’re supposed to get the word out about what’s going on at the UN.
This is no easy task.
There are 193 member states, each with their own government policies and agendas; there are thousands of diplomats and civil servants who need to be informed on how to communicate with one another;
there are countless NGOs working in partnership with the UN; there are journalists from every country in the world who want access to information about what’s happening inside the organization;
there are hundreds of international organizations that have their own offices at headquarters; there is a massive staff working behind the scenes to support these efforts;
and then there’s an entire world outside those walls that needs to be informed about what’s happening inside them.
Consultant (business) : Why does the UN need business consultants? In order to answer this question, let’s first consider what kind of work goes on at the UN. The organization has over 200 agencies and programs dealing with everything from climate change to gender equality to peacekeeping operations. It also employs thousands of people in over 150 countries around the world.
The sheer size and complexity of this operation means that there are lots of opportunities for improvement — especially when it comes to efficiency and cost control. This is where business consultants come in handy: they can help streamline operations, reduce costs and improve efficiency by identifying areas for improvement within a company or organization.
Consultant (technical)
The UN uses technical consultants to ensure that they have the best people working on their projects. These consultants are experts in their field and they bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be used by the UN in order to complete projects more quickly, more efficiently, and more effectively.
Correspondent (newspaper, radio, television)
The role of correspondents at the UN is to report on proceedings in various meetings as well as on major issues discussed at those meetings. For example, during a meeting of ECOSOC discussing environmental issues such as global warming or climate change, correspondents can report on what was said in their respective languages.
UN correspondents are also expected to cover major UN events such as elections for new members into certain bodies like ECOSOC or even elections for secretary general. They also cover issues related to peacekeeping missions conducted by UN peacekeepers around the world.
Cultural affairs officer
The cultural affairs officer’s role is to ensure that cultural activities are included in all public information campaigns at the UN headquarters. This includes organising events such as exhibitions, performances and concerts, which are often held at the UN General Assembly Hall or other venues around New York City.
The cultural affairs officer also helps develop educational programmes for schools, universities and other institutions around the world about what happens at the UN headquarters in New York City.
Cultural attaché/representative/officer
The main role of Cultural attaché is to promote cultural diversity within their host country as well as support staff from their home country who are working at UNESCO headquarters or field offices around the world. They provide information on policies related to culture and education and help countries develop strategies that promote cultural diversity and equality within society
The UN Job Application Process
Find Job Vacancies
You can use the United Nations’ website’s search engine to explore job openings. The majority of job openings (position-specific job openings) are tailored for a single role in a certain office and duty station.
You must first log into your account in order to receive e-mails notifying you of newly posted jobs. After that, you can do a JOB SEARCH and save the results to generate a JOB ALERT that matches your search parameters.
Create Your User Profile On UN Careers Website
You must first register on the UN Careers website in order to prepare an application. After registering, you will be sent to your APPLICATIONS HOMEPAGE, where you may fill out and update your profile, application form, and all other application-related information (s). You should first register a user profile (MY PROFILE).
Your name, nationality, contact information, and marital status are all included in MY PROFILE. You can make changes to MY PROFILE at any time, such as changing your phone number or family status, and the information is automatically changed on all job applications you’ve already made.
Apply For The Job You Want
After you’ve completed your application, click ADD JOB TO APPLICATION to apply for a specific job. You will be asked to respond to a series of questions depending on the job description, which will allow you to demonstrate relevant experiences, showcase knowledge and expertise, discuss related published work, and highlight any licenses, certificates, or training you have obtained.
After you’ve finished filling out the job application, click SUBMIT to submit it.
A CV is not accepted as an attachment by the United Nations, and it is neither a replacement nor a supplement to a completed online application. If you need to provide any additional information or paperwork, you will be asked to do so during the application process.
You will receive automatic confirmation by e-mail if your job application was successfully submitted. It’s also worth noting that once you’ve submitted an application, you can’t edit it for that specific job vacancy.
The MY APPLICATIONS tab displays each application you’ve created and submitted, as well as a list of job vacancies to which you’ve applied, as well as the application status (i.e., “APPLIED,” “UNDER CONSIDERATION,” “ROSTERED,” and so on).
The Evaluation Of Your Job Application
Your candidacy is assessed against a set of mandatory and desired requirements, such as work experience, education, and language proficiency. They can be found in related sections of the job opening for the post you applied for, as well as in the Job Requirements questions you answered throughout the application process. Only if it is established that you meet all of the required evaluation criteria, as well as any other desirable requirements that the recruiter decides to use for screening, will you be invited to engage in assessment activities and/or a competency-based interview.
If it is found that you are ineligible for a specific job, or that you only meet part or none of the needed or applicable evaluation criteria, you will be notified at the right time that your application was unsuccessful. In this scenario, don’t get discouraged; instead, apply for alternative positions that you believe you are eligible for.
A written exam, simulation exercise, case study, or other relevant evaluation methodology could be used as part of the assessment exercises. The time, nature, and length of the evaluation will be communicated to you beforehand. You will be notified if you are short-listed for a competency-based interview based on the outcome of the assessment.
You will be notified if you are not selected for the competency-based interview at the right time. Please keep in mind that during the application process, the nature and regularity of correspondence with different candidates may vary.
Competency Based Interview
The competency-based interview can be conducted over the phone, through video conference, or in person. The time, duration, mode, and/or location of the interview will be communicated to you in advance.
Selection Notification
Following the results of the several assessment rounds, a pool of competent individuals is recommended for selection. Any recommendations are then assessed by an impartial review board made up of staff and management members to ensure that the proper procedures were followed.
Following the endorsement of the nominated candidates by the review panel, the head of the department makes a selection choice, normally for one individual or, if multiple positions are available, for the corresponding number of vacancies.
If you are the chosen applicant for the job, you will be notified.
If you were among the candidates recommended for the job opportunity but were not chosen, you will be placed on a waiting list for similar functions at the same level and category for future consideration. When new job opportunities with the same job title, level, category, and job family as those for which you have been rostered are listed, you will be alerted as a roster member.
You will be notified if your name does not appear in the pool of applicants considered for selection.
The United Nations is a massive, international organization with many departments and subdivisions. It pays well, offers great benefits, and has plenty of job openings for anyone with the motivation to apply.
If you want to work there and are Kenyan citizen, then the application process may be a bit easier for you than others; however, it can still be a lengthy process if you’re not prepared. We hope that this guide will help smooth out the application process so you can enjoy an interview and hopefully get hired. Good luck!